20 January 2025

Type of post: Weekly email
Sub-type: No sub-type
Posted By: Mike Elcock
Status: Current
Date Posted: Thu, 16 Jan 2025
Dear all

Thine Enchantment
I attach the score of Steven's new piece called "Thine Enchantment".  We will be performing the first performance of this at our May concert along with the Durufle and motets,  You can download this and print it.  If you cannot do this, please let me know and I will bring along some copies.  Steven has provided some learning midi files which I have put on the website here: https://www.thornburychoralsociety.org.uk/dbpage.php?pg=view&dbase=rep&id=161.

Monday's rehearsal
On Monday, we will be rehearsing this, together with the first part of Durufle's Requiem and a couple of motets.
The livestream link is: https://www.youtube.com/live/e1-4TBsPOPo

I apologise for the incorrect motet on the website which was my fault.  The last motet should be "O quam gloriosum" by Victoria.  I have corrected the website and links.  See here: https://www.thornburychoralsociety.org.uk/dbpage.php?pg=learning&repgroup=Status

Monday 20th is the last night for ordering and paying for Skittles on Saturday 25th.  Please see Alison to order and pay £12 in cash.

TCS Committee Meeting
Please could the TCS Committee meet in the back room before the rehearsal on Monday 27th at 7.15pm.  Agenda to follow.

Other concerts:
The internationally renowned pianist Allan Schiller is giving a piano recital at St Mary's Church, Thornbury on Sunday 19 January at 4pm.  His recital will include pieces by Scarlatti, Haydn, Mozart, Schubert, Chopin and Albeniz.
There is free entry, the concert will last about an hour and it will be followed by tea and cake. There is a retiring collection.

Steven's piano recital is on Saturday 1 February 2025 at Bristol Music Club at 7.30pm.  He will be playing music by Beethoven, Debussy, Kings, Moeran, Prokofiev.  Tickets are £15 (or £5 for students and under-18s) and can be booked at https://www.stevenkings.co.uk/contact or on the door.  Bristol Music Club is at 76 St Paul’s Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 1LP.

Best wishes,
Mike Elcock
Thornbury Choral Society